Sunday, December 11, 2011

25. Speak Up ! Because opinion matter ...

Dua puluh lima tahun sudah, sejak nafas ini berhembus, sejak ibundaku melahirkanku ke dunia ini. Dalam diri aku berkata, "sudah pantas kah kedewasaan ini sampai padaku? apakah kebaikanku lebih banyak daripada dosa-dosaku ?" Harusnya aku mengevaluasi itu semua, memperbaikinya, menuju ke arah yang lebih baik. Alhamdulillah, syukurku kuucapkan bagi Sang Penciptaku, Sang Maha Pemurah yang memberiku dan keluargaku rezeki selama ini. Karena tanpa rezeki dan rahmatnya, belum tentu aku berada di keadaanku yang sekarang ini. Masih dapat meluruskan tulang punggungku pada tempat tidur yang empuk, menatap dalam sinar cahaya lampu, kehangatan suhu kamar yang melindungiku dari dinginnya udara malam. Aku lebih berbahagia dibandingkan dengan saudara yang berada di luar sana, alhamdulillah ya Allah. Ucapan sayang dan kasih aku sampaikan melalui doa kepada kedua orang tuaku yang dengan segala usahanya membesarkanku dengan kesabaran, membiayaiku dengan membanting tulang, dan mendoakanku dalam setiap sholatnya, terima kasih buat mamah dan papah. Di hari yang aku anggap sebagai momentum ini, aku hanya berharap aku dapat meng-upgrade diri ku ke arah yang lebih baik. Aku sangat terkesan dengan kata-kata yang diangkat oleh ESPN akhir-akhir ini, Speak Up ! Because opinion matter... Keengganan mengungakapkan pendapat kadang selalu saja ada dalam diriku, menghasilkan sikap acuh, padahal berbagai kalimat berputar dalam angan, menanggapi suatu hal. Tapi, bukankah itu yang seharusnya, berpikir dahulu sebelum berkata atau bertindak, dan bagaimana dengan ungkapan "silence is gold" , pasti ada makna dari itu semua, aku hanya berharap diriku mampu dan lebih berani mengungkapkan pendapat. InsyaAllah. Berbagai rencana telah tersuaun mulai dari plan A sampai plan B yang disiapkan bilan plan A gagal. Aku berharap plan A berjalan lancar, tetapi walaupun akhirnya nanti yang terjadi adalah kegagalan, semoga aku diberikan kesabaran, dan itu menjadi yang terbaik untuk ku dan orang-orang yang ada di dekatku. Usaha kita, keyakinan kita akan hal yang benar, belum tentu sesuai dengan kehendakNya, ya Allah engkaulah Sang Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu. Semoga Semuanya berjalan lancar ya Allah. Aamiin

Saturday, December 10, 2011


The creation of the Sun and Moon is one of thegreatest signs given to humans by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala of His existence. No doubt the absence of both these created blessings would create havoc in any living being's life.

"Blessed is He who has placed in the sky great stars and placed therein a [burning] lamp and luminous moon."(25:61)

Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala also shows us His great power and control over the universe by the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse happening every few months. These major events, when the unusual happens in the well balanced system of the universe, demand more from us than merepublicizing on media or thousands of people coming out to witness it.

The eclipse of the sun or moon is one of the signs of the Day of Judgment and the fact that it occurs every few months requires our serious attention. Few might know that the solar or the lunar eclipses are actually great reminders and alarms given to us by the Lord of the worlds, to check ourselves, to repent and return to Him with a humble heart.

In the Quran, Allah Ta'ala says:

"He (man) asks, ' When is the Day of Resurrection?' So when the vision is dazzled. And the moon darkens. And the sun and moon are joined." (75:6-9)

"…when the sun will be wound round and will lose its light and be overthrown and the stars will fall." (Surah at-Takweer 81:1)

This is why Muslims should be alarmed by eclipses.
The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) used to fear Allaah very much, and one day he came out in an agitated state, thinking that the Hour had begun, when the sun was eclipsed during his lifetime… This is indicative of the great extent to which he kept the Hour in mind and feared it, even though Allah had forgiven all his sins and promised him paradise.

We, on the other hand, have become negligent and most of us no longer think of eclipses as anything other than a natural phenomenon which we go out to watch with special glasses, carrying cameras. We limit themselves to the worldly scientific explanation without understanding the reminder of the Hereafter which it brings. This is one of the signs of hard-heartedness and a lack of concern about the matters of the Hereafter. It reflects a lack of fear of the onset of the Day of Judgment, and ignorance of the aims of sharee’ah and the reports that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to feel fear when these eclipses happened. The Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) used to stand to pray the eclipse prayer, because they believed that if indeed the Hour had come, they would not then be counted negligent of their prayer, and if this eclipse was nothing to do with the Hour, then they would not lose anything by praying, for they would have earned a great reward!!!

In the early Islamic period, the solar eclipse (kusoof As Shams) happened just once in the life-time of our beloved Prophet Muhammad. (sallallahu alayhi wassallam)

It was narrated by Al Mughira bin Shuba that,

The Solar eclipse occurred on the day when the prophet's son Ibrahim passed away. When he (sallallahu alayhi wassallam) saw the sun turn dark.., he was terrified and thought the Hour had come.(Bukhari)

Narrated Abu Bakr (may Allah have mercy on him)

The solar eclipse occurred while we were sitting with the Prophet (sallalahu alayhi wassallam). He got up dragging his garment (on the ground) hurriedly, till he reached the mosque. There, he offered a two-Rak'ah prayer until the eclipse was over and said, "The sun and the moon are two signs among the signs of Allah, so if you see a thing like this (eclipse) then offer the prayer and invoke Allah until He removes that state."

Al-Bukhari and Muslim record from'Aishah that the Messenger of Allah (sallalahu alayhi wassallam) said:

"The sun and the moon are two signs from among Allah's signs and there is no eclipse due to the life or death of anyone. If you see that [an eclipse] [lunar or solar] supplicate to Allah, extol His greatness, give charity and pray."

They also record from Abu Musa that there was a solar eclipse and the Prophet (sallalahu alayhi wassallam) said:

"If you see something of this nature, rush to the remembrance of Allah, supplicating Him and asking His forgiveness."

Salaat Al Kusoof
Narrated Aisha (may Allah have mercy on her) On the day of a solar eclipse, Allah's Messenger (sallalahu alayhi wassallam) rushed to offer the eclipse prayer. He called out: ""Salat-ul-jami'ah "" and started the prayer,

* he recited Surah al Fatiha and then Surah al Baqarah till the end, 

* then he bowed down for Ruku',

* and then he raised his head saying.

"Sami'Allah-u-liman hamida"

"Allah hears him who sends his praises to Him."

* Then he again recited Surah Fatiha and began reciting surah al Imran,

* then bowed down for a second ruku', raised himself and recited,

"Sami'Allah-u-liman hamida"

"Allah hears him who sends his praises to Him."

* Then he performed two long sujood

* and then performed the second Rakah in the same way as he had done the first.

By the time he had finished his prayer with Taslim, the solar eclipse had been over!

Then he addressed the people referring to the solar and lunar eclipses saying,

 "These are two signs amongst the Signs of Allah, and they do not eclipse because of anyone's death or life. So, if you see them, hasten for the Prayer." (Al Bukhari)

According to these hadeeths this prayer consists of two rakahs, four qiyams, four rukus and four sujood.

It is not compulsory to recite Surah al Baqarah or Surah Al Imran in this prayer. We can recite any surah that we wish. According to various scholars this prayer is wajib on Muslims.

It is preferred to make Dhikr, duas, to give charity, make serious repentance, try to mend our ways and ask Allah to guide us and our families and also to save us all from the punishment of the grave as the darkness in the grave would be more than the darkness of the day of solar eclipse.

May Allah forgive us, bless us with the knowledge of His religion and make us practising Muslims.

And all praise belongs to Allah, Who guided us to this precious information. May the best of peace and blessings of Allah be on Muhammad, his family, his companions and all those who follow them in righteousness.

Fi Amanillah,

Mariam Anwer

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Children from my Workplace.

Here is some pict from my gallery bout kids.

Harum, Amel, n Siska (she is the old one :-P )

And with the parent...

posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cleanliness is a half part of your faith to Allah swt.

Don't forget clean your nail before Jum'at Pray :-D

posted from Bloggeroid

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

- worried -

Maaf... membuatmu khawatir
ku tahu engkau hanya peduli

Kayuhan sepedaku
Ayunan raketku
dan tendangan itu
hanya karena ku bahagia

Sehat, segar dan bersemangat
awalnya itulah tujuannya
tapi kadang terlalu berlebih
aku sadar itu

ku tahu engkau hanya peduli
apalagi angin pun berkata sama
efek negatif yang datang itu
semoga tidak terjadi padaku

Bukan dirimu yang tak bijak
bukan salahmu tak bisa mengingatkanku
itu semua karena aku
yang keras kepala ini

Aku juga menyadarinya
aku tak akan memaksakannya
bila sudah melampaui batas
aku akan berhenti

Tapi percayalah
Semua ada masa nya
Bila saat itu harus datang
maka datanglah

Dan bila masih panjang waktuku
doakan aku kuat melaluinya
memenuhi dengan cinta-Nya

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lagu Orang Rantau

hai teman.....

tiap kali ingin mulai menulis di sini, seperti bingung sendiri, merasa bersalah karena tidak sesering blogger lain yang update.
akhirnya kata-kata yang keluar adalah,
lama ya ngga nge-blog... atau... maaf baru sempet nulis di blog ini ... dan kata-kata permintaan maaf lain... :D
tapi tak apalah.

ini adalah postingan pertama di tahun yang baru ini, sudah lama, terlalu lama bahkan, dan sudah banyak perubahan yang terjadi si sekitar kita, mulai dari suasana kantor baru, suasana hati baru, hingga suasana negara baru yang terus berubah.

Januari lalu aku sempat cuti dan menghabiskan waktu di rumah, bertemu keluarga dan seseorang yang berharga buat hidupku.
Membeli 2 buku baru yang seharusnya aku baca, Dwilogi Padang Bulan - nya Andrea Hirata dan Quantum Ikhlas - nya Erbe Sentanu. Seharunya buku pertama berfungsi meningkatkan minat bacaku dan menghibur hati yang kadang lelah dengan pekerjaan, dan buku kedua fungsinya sebagai self improvement , membangun diri, menjadi seseorang yang lebih baik.
Tapi mungkin keinginan itu belum terlaksana sampai sekarang, buku pertama baru kulitnya kumakan, buku kedua baru komentar-komentar di sampul buku, dan mendengarkan CD audio yang termasuk di dalamnya.
yup... mungkin setelah menuliskan itu semua di sini, akan terjadi perubahan, hehe

Selain 2 buku itu Patch 1.5 Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 sempat aku download, awal februari lalu untuk mengupdate transfer pemain di musim dingin di Eropa sana. Yah lumayan lah untuk refreshing.

Perpanjang KTP (eh... masa berlaku nya dink.. :D, KTP masih sama ukurannya ngga bertambah panjang) - Kiriman mochi untuk si Mpe yang habis oleh orang lain karena saat kiriman datang dia nya malah cuti - Berenang - Meminjam DVD dari Indarto (yang ingin disebut namanya) - dan Kerjaan semakin menumpuk karena pembagian yang hanya ke segelintir orang.

yah itulah kira-kira yang menggambarkan hari-hari ke belakang.. :D

sementara itu backsound komputer terputar lagu Padi yang satu ini :

Kulayangkan pandangku melalui kaca jendela
Dari tempatku bersandar seiring lantun kereta
Membawaku melintasi tempat-tempat yang indah
Membuat isi hidupku penuh riuh dan berwarna

Kualunkan rinduku selepas aku kembali pulang
Tak akan kulepaskan dekapku, karena
Kutahu pasti aku merindukanmu
Seumur hidupku selama-lamanya

Perjalanan inipun kadang merampas bijak hatiku
Sekali waktupun mungkin menggoyahkan pundi cintaku
Meretaskan setiaku, menafikan engkau disana
Maafkanlah aku, cepat ku kembali

Kualunkan rinduku selepas aku kembali pulang
Tak akan kulepaskan dekapku, karena
Kutahu pasti aku merindukanmu
Seumur hidupku

Kutautkan hatiku, kuikrarkan janji
Ku bawa pulang diriku hanya untukmu
Kusanjungkan mimpi-mimpi hangati malam
Rindu ini membakar hatiku, kuakan kembali pulang
Kuakan kembali pulang

Perjalanan Ini -Padi. mengingatkan aku akan kereta dan pulang :D lagu orang rantau...hahaha
yup, That's it.